
01442 573 227


Turn trust into sales

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What does BFB do?

un-Corporate Video Production


1. The art of showing your brand’s story through real people and expertise that customers can trust. 

2. A brand built on what’s genuine & human, that goes beyond the glossy brochure version of your company & into lasting value.

Over 1,000 Businesses, 10,000+ Videos Delivered

We've had the pleasure of working with Business Film Booth previously to create some of our customer testimonial videos, which are still commented on to this day for their quality and effectiveness.
I've worked with Business Film Booth a few times across two different roles and I would always choose to go with them! Dave and the team are professional and always go above and beyond.
The support on the day and the turn around time was brilliant. The feedback platform is the most user friendly and intuitive tool I've used when commenting, approving and downloading video.


01442 573 227

What I can do for your business

  • Increase conversion rates
  • Speed up the sales process
  • Increase brand trust & familiarity

Who is this for?​

Use Behavioural science to:

Transform Your Sales Funnel

You don’t need to master human behavioural science to move the needle. There are three heavy hitters that can transform your sales funnel:

1. Social Proof (you are true)

2. Authority (you are an expert)

3. Reciprocity (you are generous)


Social Proof





Pro Training

Can you train my team?

Yes! I can even purchase all this kit and set it up including script & presentation training on site with your team

[UK only]

Is it any good?

Here’s Omar from the ECA explaining what the training was like for his team.

What happens on a training day?

After setting up your equipment, I spend some time discovering what your team needs and then it’s all hands-on training.

Check your Numbers

Confirm your sales conversion goal
Sales Conversion Calculator

Current Website

6 Months

Current customers converted per month: 50 per calendar month

Current Conversion Rate Value: £0 per calendar month

Future Website


Conversion rate total after optimisation: 1.00%

Customers converted per month after optimisation: 50 per calendar month

Monthly revenue increase after optimisation: £0 per calendar month

A 20 Min Discovery Call Costs Nothing

AND FINALLY…keeping things human in a world of AI & Automation:

PODCAST: Resistance is Futile

On this podcast we explore what’s happening with AI, business automation & culture and ask – where on earth is this all going?

How will A.I. develop and where should we celebrate?

lternatively, where should we hit the ESC key and unplug? If we can.

Because maybe, Resistance is Futile!

As long as you’re human, you can subscribe 🙂

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