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How to Convert More Sales Using Video

A Comprehensive Guide

Does this look familiar?

The unseen cost of the Conversion Gap

The offer seems great, but when it comes to the actual purchase?

When the request for a sale feels more like a warning than a welcome?

I had this experience recently.

I was about to make a hefty B2B purchase for my business and the service in mind sent over a contract to sign. My minimal due diligence was to check companies house and go looking for social proof & reviews. 

I nearly didn’t sign up.

It took me some fishing around to find any social proof that felt independent from the gushing text quotes on the site (they’re good to have but they can’t be all you have). Finally I found some video testimonials on Facebook and their Trust Pilot page.

This is what your sales funnel looks like when trust is missing. You’ve attracted the right crowd, but without a solid bridge built on trust, they’ll never make it to the other side.

Trust is your bridge. Let me show you how to build it—plank by plank—so more of your prospects feel confident enough to take that final step toward conversion.

Spoiler Alert: It’s not just you. And it’s not about how hard you’re hustling.

The Cold, Hard Truth About Trust

Here’s a pill that’s tough to swallow: Only 3% of people trust sales or marketing professionals. Let that sink in.

In an age where consumers are bombarded with ads, pitches, and “limited-time offers,” trust has become the rarest commodity. Traditional sales tactics? They’re about as effective as a screen door on a submarine.

Why Your Best Efforts Might Not Be Enough

• Chatbots or live chat support? Nice touch, but not a game-changer.

• Quick lead follow-ups? Admirable, but still not tipping the scales.

• Free whitepapers and e-books? Generous, but often left unread.

• Active listening to customer needs? Essential, but expected.

Don’t get me wrong; these are all good practices. But they’re the baseline, not the differentiator.

The Emotional Underpinnings of Buying Decisions

Let’s cut to the chase: People buy on emotion and justify with logic later.

By the time a prospect talks to you, they’ve already emotionally decided whether they’re in or out. You’re either confirming their choice or fighting an uphill battle to change their mind.

The Harley-Davidson Phenomenon

Why does a middle-aged executive drop 50 to 100k on a Harley?

• Is it the engineering? Nope.

• The warranty? Hardly.

• Investment value? Try again.

They buy it because it symbolizes freedom and rebellion—a powerful emotional appeal. The logical reasons are just the wrapping paper on the real gift.

Enter Behavioral Science: Your Secret Weapon

Forget gimmicks and overused acronyms like EAST (Easy, Attractive, Social, Timely). Let’s dive into Robert Cialdini’s six principles from “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.” This isn’t fluff; it’s the playbook for human behavior.

The Six Principles That Drive Trust and Action:

1. Reciprocity: We feel obliged to return favors.

2. Commitment and ConsistencyWe stick to what we’ve said we’ll do.

3. Social ProofWe look to others to decide how to behave.

4. AuthorityWe follow the lead of credible experts.

5. LikingWe are persuaded by people we like.

6. ScarcityWe want more of what we can have less of.

Warning: Use these ethically. Manipulation is a short road to a dead-end reputation. 

Learn to convert more using video

The Big Three: Your Focus for Maximum Impact

You don’t need to master all six principles to move the needle. Let’s zero in on the three heavy hitters that can transform your sales funnel:

1. Social Proof

2. Authority

3. Reciprocity

1. Social Proof: The Bandwagon with Room for More

Why It Works:

People are (present company excepted, of course) natural herd animals. In uncertainty, we look to others for cues on how to act.

How to Use Video to Amplify Social Proof:

• Customer Testimonials: Not the cheesy, scripted kind. Real people, real stories.

• Case Studies: Show tangible results, not just rosy anecdotes.

Here’s one of ours:

• User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to share their experiences.

Pro Tip: A testimonial video can boost your landing page conversions by up to 66% (Aberdeen Group). That’s not pocket change.

2. Authority: Be the Expert They Can’t Ignore

Why It Works:

We defer to experts because they offer a shortcut to decision-making.

How to Establish Authority Through Video:

• Thought Leadership Pieces: Share insights that only an industry insider would know.

• Expert Interviews: Borrow credibility by association.

• Webinars and Live Q&A Sessions: Engage directly and showcase your depth of knowledge.

Pro Tip: Quality matters. A well-produced video signals professionalism and, by extension, trustworthiness.

3. Reciprocity: Give to Get

Why It Works:

When someone gives us something, we feel a natural urge to reciprocate.

How to Leverage Video for Reciprocity:

• Free Training Videos: Solve a problem your audience faces.

• Exclusive Content: Offer insider tips or early access to new features.

• Personalized Video Messages: Go the extra mile to make a connection.

Pro Tip: Don’t gate everything behind an email capture. Sometimes, genuine generosity builds more goodwill.

The Viral Video Mirage

Hold up—aren’t viral videos the holy grail?

Sure, a viral hit can put you on the map, but it’s like buying a lottery ticket as a retirement plan. High risk, unpredictable reward.

The Workhorse vs. The Show Pony

• Show Pony (Viral Videos): Flashy, exciting, but unreliable.

• Workhorse (Strategic Videos): Steady, effective, and gets the job done.

Focus on the workhorse. Consistent, strategic content trumps one-hit wonders every time.

The Cost of Doing Nothing

Let’s talk numbers. If you don’t know your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), you’re flying blind.

Average CAC by Industry:

• SaaS: £200 – £500 per customer

• E-commerce: £10 – £30 per customer

• Retail: £10 – £50 per customer

• B2B Services: £1,000 – £5,000 per customer

Reality Check: Every unconverted lead isn’t just lost revenue; it’s money you’ve already spent that’s now wasted.

You might want to add some metrics to your thinking. Our conversion rate calculator takes less than a minute to complete. Maybe you’re doing great and don’t need to read the rest of this blog

The Upside of a 1% Increase in Conversion

Imagine boosting your conversion rate by just 1%. The ripple effect on your bottom line is massive.

Your Action Plan: Turning Principles into Profit

Enough theory. Let’s get down to practicals (which I much prefer).


Implementing Social Proof Videos

Step 1: Identify your happiest customers—the ones who rave about you unprompted.

Step 2: Craft questions that elicit stories, not just praise (see the video for help on this):



Step 3: Produce high-quality testimonial videos (identify which ones need a production company like BFB)


Pro Tip: Authenticity over polish. A genuine story beats a slick production. Though it’s nice to have both!


Establishing Authority Through Thought Leadership

Step 1: Outline the topics where you can offer unique insights.

Step 2: Decide on formats—webinars, explainer videos, Q&As.

Step 3: Batch produce content to stay consistent without burnout.


Pro Tip: Repurpose content. A webinar can be sliced into blog posts, social snippets, and more.


Creating Reciprocity with Valuable Content

Step 1: Identify the pressing problems your audience faces.

Step 2: Create video content that offers solutions.

Step 3: Distribute widely and freely.


Pro Tip: High value is key. Fluffy content won’t cut it.


Breaking the Fourth Wall: Let’s Get Real

By now, BFB and me (Dave) writing this will likely appear more familiar to you than a generic video company. That’s expected.

Because: I’ve been using these exact principles on you throughout this guide.


• Social Proof? Check. (Remember the Unbounce stat?)

• Authority? You’re reading this because you believe I know my stuff.

• Reciprocity? I’ve given you actionable insights without asking for anything in return.


The Emotional Connection We’ve Built

Feeling that trust? That familiarity? That’s not an accident. It’s psychology in action.

And no, it’s not “gooey” or manipulative. It’s effective communication.


The Fork in the Road: Your Next Move

You have two choices:

1. Do Nothing: Keep getting the same results.

2. Take Action: Implement these strategies and watch your conversions climb.


If You’re Ready to Level Up

Pick the area that resonates most with your current needs:


• Social Proof Videos: Start collecting those testimonials.

• Authority Building: Plan out your thought leadership content.

• Reciprocity Content: Map out valuable resources you can offer for free.


Not sure where to start? Here’s a curated list of resources to kick things off.


Resources to Jumpstart Your Journey


Social Proof Mastery

• Guide: Crafting Questions for Powerful Testimonials

• Tool: Descript for Seamless Audio-to-Text Conversion

• Tips: Filming Branded Testimonials on a Budget


Authority Amplification

• Setup: DIY All-in-One Studio for Pro-Level Videos

• Performance: Presenting Like a Seasoned Pro


Reciprocity Done Right

• Simple Calculator: Help your prospects understand the numbers

• Engagement Strategies: Building a Community Around Your Content



Ready to transform your sales funnel and crush those conversion rates?

Here’s to your imminent success.




• Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini

• The Conversion Code by Chris Smith

• Industry insights from Adobe, InVideo, Lumen5, Influencer Marketing Hub, and Unbounce


Disclaimer: Use these strategies responsibly. Building trust is about fostering genuine relationships, not tricking customers into a sale. Deliver on your promises, and the rest will follow.

Learn to convert more using video

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Learn to convert more using video

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