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personal brand video
100 %

of people struggle on camera to start with, even if they are used to public speaking. There’s a big difference.

50 %

of people can’t stand watching awkward or lifeless presenting.

0 %

of people don’t want to watch boring, slap dash video online.

100 %

of people struggle on camera to start with, even if they are used to public speaking. There’s a big difference.

50 %

of people can’t stand watching awkward or lifeless presenting.

0 %

of people don’t want to watch boring, slap dash video online.

You’ve done the marketing strategy. 

You know who you need talk to. Your content is ready to build familiarity and trust.

You either do it well or die on stage.

So, how do you produce video that does that while being part of a brand?

You’ve done the marketing strategy. 

You know who you need talk to. Your content is ready to build familiarity and trust.

You either do it well or die on stage.

So, how do you produce video that does that while being part of a brand?

Nobedrum Curtainus

1. The art of producing video for a any brand that’s well written, smart, funny, opinionated and presented like an expert.

2. Video that’s personal AND branded. Not shot in a spare room against dodgy curtains, because real leaders understand the power of brand.

Every business is a media business whether they want to be or not.

Every business is a media business whether they want to be or not.

Introducing the Booth System:


video marketing funnel

You plan

Purple Pill Payment Plan

Pay regularly and get 20% off on your used account funds as you spend them

Unlock "The Code" in Booth Camp

Become a content factory. Get the right kit for your own studio, then learn how to set it up and how to use through our unique Booth system of filming and editing Learn how to get video to fit into your marketing strategy, how write better scripts and how to present better. Crucially, learn how to help others in your team to get on camera in the first place and how to help them once there.

Buy from the Kit List

See our recommended Kit List and get the equipment that suits your needs. Camera, lights, audio!
It's all on the breakdown

Book in!

Get the code. Buy your online Booth Camp subscription for one year. Take the course and get technical and inspirational support from the professionals til you're up and running.

We plan

Purple Pill Payment Plan

Pay regularly and get 20% off on your used account funds as you spend them

A Mentor

Depending on the level of detail in your strategy, you might want to talk tactics and which platform or platforms you're going to putting your content on. Brainstorm with us and confirm or adapt your plans. We're not a marketing agency but we understand marketing and where it connects with video. So we're a good sounding board. Whether it's a social media site, an email list or an intranet audience, the details matter. Book a video call with Dave on the contact page.

A writing advisor

If you're not making content via Q&A interviews or from presentations you've done hundreds of times, you're writing your scripts. Don't even think about winging it. Writing is the key to pro content. Forget ad hoc, it doesn’t work and will embarrass you. We can't wear your shoes for you but we’ve written thousands of scripts so we'll help advise you on how write and sound like you have too, if you need it.

Get trained by Morpheus

An amazing script delivered badly is still a rubbish video. Get one-on-one or team coaching on location or in our studio. Learn from where you're up to, tailor made by Dave to catalyse the momentum you need to get creating. Learn to present confidently, understand the kit and how to use it, ensuring viewers only focus on the content.

Book in!

The studio is ready and waiting, or the mobile team can come to you. Our web portal allows you to book in and pay for any of our fixed rate packages. There's no guesswork or 'it depends' if we can avoid it. Got something special in mind that doesn't fit in the box. No problem - let us know and let's see what we can do.


You film

Booth Camp studio 

Having unlocked the code, you can churn out content confidently and regularly.

There's an app for this

Use the Booth Camp app for to check on camera settings or just ask the professionals inside the app by sharing a photo of the issue or sending us a question. Booth Camp membership is not just a course, it's a support desk for everything from 'How to give feedback to a colleague' to 'Does this set look ok?'

Upload to the cloud for editing

If you want us to edit, you just need to hand over the footage. Once complete, upload to a project specific link and let us take care of everything else.

We film

The Architect package

The full monty. Combine live action, scripted content with 3D animation if you want. If you're wanting to truly wow you audience, this is the combination to do it. This is the only package that has an 'it depends' price because the variables are so huge. But have a chat with Dave and he'll soon be able to quote you.

The Neo package

You've got a script and you want something that has punch and personality for either social media or for services pages. Book in for an hourly session, brush your teeth and bring your script. We'll do everything else.

The Oracle

Our most popular package. Book a day package that also includes the editing for the first edit (often it's just one complex edit like a testimonial). You can use this package for a multiple of sins that can create a Youtube Ad or a Home Page promo or a customer testimonial.

Post Production

You edit

Booth Camp 

If you're editing it yourself, there's online guidance from our Editing Grand Master, Greg Leach, as part of Booth Camp. But on top of that you might want us to do some editing so check out the other column too.

We edit

Editing if needed using Bullet Time

Editing is included in the above packages as part of the Oracle, Neo or Architect packages.  Use this service if you've done the filming or if we've done the filming but you'd like additional editing from the footage.

Agent Smith

You've made your edits (or we've done them) but you want it to be repurposed to a square and you need it to have branded captions.

Hello Operator

Completely remote testimonials which we can do from our studio for you. Simply book in a slot with your subject and Dave will put on his Producers hat and interview them. Then, we create unique look using the audio and liquid text in your brand

Time to choose:

Produce short educational videos that show off your knowledge and build trust and awareness.

Explain what differentiates you, how you offering works in a short and creative way and help convert those considering you.

Create video ads for targets campaigns on Social media, YouTube and any other platform you desire.

Provide a more personal and human experience for your clients after conversion with regular video updates and training.

Feed the never ending hunger of your desired platform with attention grabbing social media video optimised for the best results

Your clients stories are something nobody else can market with. Use them to produce powerful video marketing you can use at every step of your sales & marketing system.

The entourage works, here's the proof

Interested? Book a call with Dave

Some facts about Dave

  1. As well as having written tens of thousands of words in scripts for the FilmBooth channel we started, he writes and produces for his own YouTube channel just for fun.
  2. He has also researched and written exclusively for the Vote for Policies channel in his spare time.
  3. He’s helped produce over 10,000 videos in the last 7 years for business people.
  4. On the call, he’ll work out if we can help and are the right fit for each other.

Interested? Book a call with Dave

Some facts about Dave

  1. As well as having written tens of thousands of words in scripts for the FilmBooth channel we started, he writes and produces for his own YouTube channel just for fun.
  2. He has also researched and written exclusively for the Vote for Policies channel in his spare time.
  3. He’s helped produce over 10,000 videos in the last 7 years for business people.
  4. On the call, he’ll work out if we can help and are the right fit for each other.
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