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Testimonial Video Production Company

We’ve got the testimonial video questions, system and creativity to turn your client’s stories into powerful social media, website or re-marketing video communications.


… so relieved. I can’t tell you how happy I am that I found you guys!!!

Liz Griffin-Hind Marketing Manager | Clive Woodward
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Highly recommend

Great training day with Dave...very hands on and interactive, exactly what we needed! ...highly recommend if you're wanting to improve your video production!

Dan BurgeMarketing Manager | Aura Architecture
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The team used their intuition and provided creative ideas and solutions which was great. The feedback platform is the most user friendly and intuitive tool I've used.

Jonathon PinchInternal Comms Manager | Wincanton
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Fast & Smooth

Dave and the team are professional and always go above and beyond. The editing process is fast and smooth and the videos always turn out great.

Hilary NouwensTrapeze Group
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Testimonial video

Easy. Fast. Quality.

Stories have been, and forever shall be, the most powerful marketing tool on the planet. 

Which is why capturing your clients telling your prospects about the experience your business has provided them, is a must have tool in your video marketing arsenal. 

Because giving others a direct line to the experience of your brand speaks louder than any sales pitch.

The best thing about testimonials is, so long as your client has a positive story to tell, we’ll do the rest. 

No scripting, no pressure relaxing them on camera and no hassle. We do it all for you.

Telephone testimonials about us, from our  clients

Testimonial video examples

How Testimonial Video Works

As testimonial video experts, we’ve worked in every condition going. Submit your brief and leave the rest to us. 

#1 Brief

Testimonial videos are one of the easiest videos to make. We start with a chat about your client and together devise a list of the things you need the content to get across. 

Testimonial video questions

#2 Questions

We take this brief and make open ended questions that bring out natural and detailed answers from your client. 

testimonial video filming

#3 Produced

We film at your clients site and only need 20 minutes of their time for the interview. The rest of the day is spent on site filming footage to make their business look amazing too

Online video editing

#4 Re-purposed

Once signed off, we turn your video into multiple short versions that are perfect for social media, re-marketing and paid ads. 

Testimonial videos include

#1 Dedicated Producer

Your producer/director will take care of all of the questions, the concept and work with your clients on the day to keep them relaxed and confident with their answers. 

#2 Fast Turnaround

Maximum 7 working day turnaround  (we don’t rush your work). If it’s really urgent, we’ll do our best to get it done even faster but we won’t sacrifice quality. 

#3 Revisions

Every edit can have up to three sets of revisions. We’re professionals, so there’s not usually more than one needed. 

#4 Royalty Free Music

We use high quality, royalty free music for your videos that’ll uplift, inspire and motivate viewers.

#5 Stock Video

We have access to over 800,000 stock video clips that’ll help your content tell visual stories if your clients location is a bit…well, er boring.

#6 Expert Consultation

Apart from booking in the filming day with your client, we really do take care of everything else. You don’t even need to join us on the filming day. 

#7 Re-purpose

We take 1 testimonial video and turn it into multiple clips. Each short video takes one of the main testimonials question sections and turns it into a bite sized piece of trustbuilding video content.

#8 National coverage

We’re based in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire but we cover the whole of the UK and Ireland with our cinematic testimonials. Our telephone testimonials are global. 

#9 Feedback platform

Our specialist video host ensures feedback is fast, easy and always trackable. 

Can't get your clients to appear on camera?

The hardest thing about producing a testimonial video is getting your clients to agree to appear on camera. 

Many people are more than happy to help another business out, but they feel uncomfortable being filmed. Or they wonder if it’ll take a huge amount of time.

Get Dave to chat with your client for you. There’s no obligation and usually by talking through the practical nature of it all, the whole process becomes a lot less daunting! 

We only need your client to sit down with Dave for about 20 minutes. The rest of the time will be spent getting creative covering footage to make their business look great.


ERP Software solutions Testimonial

We’ve produced over 15 testimonials for Intact and this time we turned the camera on their team to show how the same format can work for About Us videos. They have an incredible client retention rate of 99% and when you visit their site and see all of their testimonials, you can believe it. 

NEC Software Solutions

Recruitment video

NEC needed to show prospective candidates just how supportive their team culture is and also give a snapshot of the working environment. To do this, we combined our zoom testimonial package with our filming day package to show both the office and the working from home side of their business.


Customer testimonial video

What if your product or service is complex? Aonyx are automation and acoustic specialists. The amazing experience they deliver to their customers isn’t easy to explain. So our advice was: don’t! Get your customer to explain it for you.


Customer testimonial video

What if you’re REALLY specialised? Surely a testimonial will be too niche? Not if you know how to put your testimonial in front of the right people.

Buchanan provides recruitment to the recruitment specialists. And this is exactly what their customers need to hear as part of the buying cycle when they come to their site.

o'Neill & Brennan

About us

Meet the team videos. Where did it all go wrong? 

Don’t overcomplicate this important content for your ‘about us’ page. The ‘about us’ page is the 2nd most visited page on your site after the home page and more importantly than that, it’s visited by people that are getting ready to buy from you. They want to know what makes you tick. Don’t disappoint them! 

Fortunately, we’ve got a method that helps teams discover what makes them distinctive, every time. Using our unique interviewing technique and targeted questions that are made especially for your organisation, we won’t let you make a dud.

Can you combine a testimonial and a case study?

Sure! By designing the questions to explore the broader subject, a case study can also reflect the social proof of a testimonial

Telephone Testimonials

3 Pack
£ 1380
  • 3 Videos from one client phone interview
  • Up to 7 working day turnaround
  • Stock video, music and images
  • Includes social media square edits
  • 30 Days money back guarantee
  • Branded to your business

1 Testimonial video

1 day filming at 1 location
£ 2590
  • 1 Testimonial video
  • Up to 7 working day turnaround
  • Stock video, music and images
  • Questions and concept developed
  • Professional interviewer on site
  • Branded to your business

3 Testimonial videos

3 days at 3 locations
£ 6720
  • 3 Separate client testimonial videos
  • Up to 7 working day turnaround
  • Stock video, music and images
  • Questions and concept developed
  • Video cut in to short social media squares
  • Branded to your business
Best Value

Still have some Questions?

We’d recommend sticking to the 2 minute mark for this form of communication.

The maximum on this package is 3 minutes. 

We don’t believe low quality content is worth spending money on editing. 

This means that it needs to have been shot and presented well to start.

Editing won’t save a badly made video so we only work with approved clients to maintain our reputation and yours.

❌ We only work with approved clients to maintain our reputation and yours.

❌ Phone shot footage

❌ Long winded or rambling, unstructured narrative

❌ Hateful or indecent content

❌ 2D and 3D animation 

❌ Masking and motion tracking (This can be done for an add on fee)

We sure can, and we recommend this to every client. 

Every testimonial video you make can be turned in to 2-3 short versions. Each testimonial video package has this included so you can tell short stories in multiple places of your marketing mix. 

We recommend they are turned in to square videos for optimum social media impact. 

We’re very careful with branding, we like to ensure all of your fits in with the rest of your communication. 

We’ll always aim to finish a project before we start a new one, usually revisions are handled on the same day.

If you can get back to us on the same day you are sent the video it is more likely to be done there and then. If it takes a few weeks you could fall down the queue.

We can and we’ve tried. But really, how would you feel if a random person from a production company called you and asked to be in a video?

This needs to come from you along with booking the filming date. We can handle the rest and take it from there. 

We like to help clients get smart with production. 

That might mean producing multiple videos on a day, especially if you have two clients very close to each other. 

You’ll get a better unit rate if we can film 2 clients on the same day too so we’d advise it. 

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